How to Avoid a Motorcycle Accident
When is a Motorcycle Accident? The injuries incurred in a motorcycle accident can vary wildly. Some are minor and require no medical attention. Others are serious and require a hospital stay or long-term care, such as physical therapy. Here are some of the most common types of injuries. Listed below are the most common types of injuries and how they are classified. By following these tips, you can minimize your risk of a motorcycle accident.
Road hazards
Roadside deterioration and construction work can create roads with potholes. Potholes can become deep and cause a motorcyclist to lose control and fall off the bike. These hazards are caused by road use and moisture leaking into the ground beneath the asphalt. In addition, some roadside fixtures can be unstable and cause motorcyclists to crash. Small animals and fallen tree branches can also pose a significant danger.
Negligent or reckless driver
Several factors can contribute to the cause of a motorcycle crash. While driver error is often the main culprit, there are also mechanical defects that cause crashes. These can include defective brakes, gears, wheels, or other components. A thorough investigation is necessary to determine the cause of the crash, as well as whether there was a manufacturing defect involved. In any case, motorcycle crashes result in severe injuries to the victims. Many suffer extensive medical care, loss of income from being unable to work, and tremendous pain and suffering.
Fender benders
While fender benders are considered minor accidents, they can still result in injuries. Fender benders often startle the other driver and passengers, and may lead to whiplash. Immediately call for help and remain still until the police arrive. You may be tempted to inspect the exterior of the vehicle to determine whether it sustained damages, or to confront the other driver. If you are in pain, however, you should call 911.
Lane splitting
When lane splitting, you need to consider your total environment. This includes the size of the other vehicles in your lane, the speed of both vehicles, and weather, lighting, and traffic conditions. It also increases the likelihood of a collision, especially if you are going faster than the other vehicles. When lane splitting, you should only do it on the left side of the lane if the speed differential is small. You should not linger in between the vehicles.
Objects in the road
Objects in the road during a collision can cause the motorcycle to slide or even crash into an object. Because the force of impact is so high, the rider can experience an involuntary reaction and lose control. In many cases, this is caused by a misperception of the size and shape of the object. Objects in the road can be deadly even when they are empty. The bag could contain heavy debris or sharp objects, and a collision with it could cause serious injury.
Objects in the blind spot
The most common cause of a motorcycle accident is an object in a driver’s blind spot. Motorcyclists share the road with cars and trucks, so this is an area that many drivers fail to notice. Because of their size, these vehicles can be difficult for drivers to see in their blind spot. This can lead to a dangerous and sometimes fatal motorcycle accident. This article will look at why motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable to blind spot accidents and how you can protect yourself in these cases.
Medical care after a motorcycle accident
Depending on the severity of the motorcycle accident, the injured party may need to seek emergency medical care. Minor injuries typically do not require hospitalization or surgery. Examples include broken bones without the need for surgical repair. More serious injuries, however, may require hospitalization and physical therapy. In such cases, it is important to seek the assistance of a New Jersey pain clinic. The following tips will help patients understand the different options for medical care after a motorcycle accident.